Monavale Hill House
A breezy single family home nestled on the ridge of a heavily wooded hill side. | Xhamai Design

Greenpoint Bathroom Pod
A contemporary refurbishment of a large apartment in an historic sea side building.

Fisherhaven House
A contemporary home inspired by surrounding landscape and architectural heritage. | Xhamai Design

Olifants River Lodges
A series of tent-inspired private overnight cottages around a large restaurant and spa. | Xhamai Design

North Coast Courtyard House
A three bedroom family home centred around a bright North-East facing courtyard which creates a dynamic outdoor living space.

Observatory Apartments
A new block of 6 apartments in a Cape Town historic neighbourhood | Stage 5 Architects

East Rand Indoor Market
A vibrant, reimagined retail and social gathering space on Johannesburg's East Rand. | Xhamai Design

ThreeSix Bench
A custom outdoor furniture set constructed from a kit of off-the-shelf building elements.

Pheasant House
A linear, spacious home with wide overhangs and warm materiality on a huge open site | Xhamai Design

Renault/Kia Tygervalley
A 2500 square meter service centre with flagship micro-showrooms for the two companies sharing the space. | Stage 5 Architects

Rider Academy
An off-road motorbike training facility in a remote South African town constructed of 4 large shipping containers. | Xhamai Design

Booysens Brew Works Part 1
An experimental co-operative brewery in Booysens Reserve, a small industrial suburb in the South of Johannesburg. This, my M.Arch thesis project is a conceptualisation of the space constructed by the Imagined Community of South Africa's emergent youth culture.

Script: Bridge
A Rhinoceros script driven parametric design for the main bridging element between the Booysens Brew Works brewery and distribution buildings.

Randburg College
A school for children from junior primary to matric, designed to allow learners of all developments and sizes to engage at the level they feel comfortable.